
Interpersonal Conflict In Goblin Market By Christina Rossetti

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Often in narrative literature main characters develop over the course of the story line through the conflicts that they encounter. In the poem, “Goblin Market”, the author Christina Rossetti, depicts a story of two sisters with completely opposite morals and opinions. The main characters, Lizzie and Laura, each sit on opposite sides of what they believe to be socially correct and are different in every way. Throughout the poem, some characters are forced to adapt and act in ways out of their comfort zone to provide for the ones which they love. In order to save the life of her sister Lizzie is forced to take action and spread her wings, thus developing as a character. Through her relationship with Laura, the internal conflict regarding her morals and the interpersonal conflict with the goblins, Lizzie evolves from a timid and orderly character, into a heroic and outgoing character. Upon the commencement of the poem, Rossetti makes it crystal clear to the reader that Lizzie is timid to stretch beyond her comfort zone and is strict to follow the social standard and what is morally right. Out of the two girls, Lizzie is the one whom is set in her ways and will not go against what is socially acceptable. Laura being the opposite of Lizzie becomes curious when she hears the goblins enticing cries. Lizzie seems to be the voice of reason for Laura, “‘Oh,’ cried Lizzie, ‘Laura, Laura,
You should not peep at goblin men.’
Lizzie cover’d up her eyes,
Cover’d close lest they should look;”
In this quote Lizzie is shown advising Laura that she literally should not look at the goblin men and in a more figurative sense she is warning Laura that she should not fall for the tricks of the goblins. Lizzie then follows this warning with covering her own eyes as if this will help to protect her from the goblins. This quote is a strong demonstration of how timid Lizzie was made out to be at the beginning of the poem. The character of Lizzie is also made out to be quite orderly as she seems to be keen on following what is socially correct. In the poem, it is implied that interacting with the goblins is against what is socially correct and could be interpreted as a sin or something that is frowned upon in today’s day. As

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