
The Goblin Market y Chrsitia¡na Rossetti: Forbidden Fruit Essays

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The Goblin Market: Forbidden Fruit The short epic poem the Goblin Market by Christina Rossetti resembles a fairytale because of the goblins and the happy ending of the united sisters, however the metaphors and allegory of fruit is ambiguous for different interpretations of drugs, sexual pleasures, temptation to sin, etc. The poem is broken into four major sections- temptation, fall, redemption, and restoration. Many people had mixed feelings toward the poem; some were even shocked of the Goblin Market because of how dark it is since Rossetti is usually linked to children novels and nurseries. The target audiences is not children but adolescents, as this poem is a merely a stage to warn young women about temptation and desires. …show more content…

The summer fruits represent Laura innocent life, as winter approaches the fruit will decay and so will Laura. One of the most common interpretations of the fruit is that it represents sexual temptation. Goblins are only men that sell their fruit at the market but only to "maidens" who hear their cry "come buy, come buy". Lizzie is aware of the evil men because of her friend Jeanie who ate the fruit and slowly passed away. Because of this, Lizzie tries to protect her sister and warn her about the goblins, "You should not peep at goblin men...Their offers should not charm us, their evil gifts would harm us.”( Rossetti 49. 65) Despite her sister's warning, Laura cannot resist the temptation. Laura trades a lock of her hair for the fruit, which symbolizes losing her virginity and paying with her body. “Buy from us with a golden curl. She clipp’d a precious golden lock ... Then suck’d their fruit globes fair or red". ( Rossetti 125-128) Laura has never tasted anything like that before and soon she wants more, like an addiction. "Her craving for the fruit becomes like that of an addict, her inability to be satisfied causing her to be completely debilitated. She becomes "listless" (297), and unable to work because her hope of again eating the fruit is destroyed."(MPhill par 3) The "feast of fruit" symbolizes her transition from a maiden

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