
Interoffice Memorandum

Decent Essays

Interoffice Memorandum on Enforcing a Contract PA130: Contract Unit 5 Prof. Carlene DiPrenda Mahuampy Aducchi October 22nd, 2012 From: Mahuampy Aducchi To: Prof. DiPrenda Re: Interoffice Memorandum on Enforcing a Contract Turner v. Connor Our client Mr. Tunner wants to know if he has a valid contract that could be enforce. He met with Sally Connor, 92 years old, and her daughter, Rebecca, about replacing Ms. Connor’s roof and providing a home maintenance plan. Rebecca handles Ms. Connor’s financial matters but wasn’t present at the meeting. Mr. Turner noticed some medications that Ms. Connor was taking and help her with it. Mr. Turner discussed a two (2) year home maintenance package. The cost of the roof replacement and two …show more content…

Another element that could be add to Ms. Connor defense is that she took a medicine that Mr. Turner helped her to take, we don’t know if because she was under the influence of that medication she was not competent to sign a contract or to make any type of binding decisions, “The incapacity as a result of the intoxication must be extensive enough to deprive the person of reason and understanding” To conclude, Mr. Turner has to prove to the court that the pricing provided and the service that was going to be render was in accordance to what the market establishes, in that

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