
International Journal of Business and Social Science

Decent Essays

International Journal of Business and Social Science

Vol. 2 No. 13 [Special Issue - July 2011]

Defensive and Offensive Strategies for Market Success
Dr. Peter Yannopoulos Associate Professor Brock University, St. Catharines Ontario, Canada, L2S 3A1 E-mail: Tel: (905) 688-5550 ext. 3909 Abstract
In industries in which there is strategic interaction among competing firms, companies are continuously involved in defensive and offensive strategies. In this paper we discuss several defensive and offensive strategies that managers can you for market success. Defensive strategies are divided into pre-entry and post-entry stretegies. Marketing managers should attempt to discourage would be entrants before entry has …show more content…

Or they should initiate actions designed to make the entrant’s life difficult after entry has occurred. This may convince the entrant that its calculations were too optimistic and its early experience in the industry is so negative that it does not warrant continuing the entry effort. 1

The Special Issue on Business and Management

© Centre for Promoting Ideas, USA

Over the years, marketing managers and business strategists have developed a number of defensive marketing strategies to defend their position and maintain their sales and profitability. There are two types of defensive marketing strategies. Pre-entry strategies are actions taken by incumbents before they are attacked by challengers. Defensive marketing strategies may also take the form of post-entry actions that are initiated after the challenger has entered the market (see Table 1). 2.1 Pre-Entry Defensive Strategies Pre-entry defensive strategies are actions taken by firms intended to persuade potential entrants to believe that market entry would be difficult or unprofitable. Such actions include signaling, fortify and defend, covering all bases, continuous improvement, and capacity expansion. Table 1: Defensive Strategies

Defensive Strategies Pre-entry strategies
     Signaling

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