
Major Economic Journal : Business And Economics Journal

Decent Essays

Business and Economics Journal
The first journal I found was Business and Economics Journal which is an open access publisher. The main side gives an overview of useful links like most viewed article, indexing and archiving, eBook etc.
Followed by article recommendations based on categories:
• Accounting
Business & Management
• Economics
• Finance
• Management
Pursued by a tweet section, Editor Board, and other important information.
Nevertheless, this webpage represents also the medical side in form of as example Major Disease Statistics and a link to Hodgkin’s Lymphoma. For someone who is not familiar with this type of journal, it gives a listing of journals by subject which makes it very easy to find …show more content…

Those in return give a specified topic like Bank management, Corporate Governance or Business Strategy. A very interesting feature is the List of Institution which uses IUP articles. The list is represented by Universities, banks and Management institutions.

Wall Street Journal
The last journal I chose is the Wall Street Journal which is for me the origin of finance and mother of financial and economic information flow. This journal covers by far the most national and international topics.

It gives room for opinions in a specified section. Followed by a market and Technology section which both give up to date information’s of current events, plans, and changes all over the world.

Certainly, the US has its own home base section in which even a view behind the scenes is given in form of introducing successful people and their surroundings.
A summary of the presented topics is sectioned in:

• Corporate news,
• Political and economic
• Opinion
• Health, Technology, Media, and Marketing Industries
• Money and Investing –analyzes international financial markets
• Personal Journal –Personal investments, careers, and cultural pursuits
• Fashion, food, design, travel and gear/tech
• Essays, commentary, reviews, and ideas
• High-end real estate

The Wall Street Journal is a newspaper which additional is available

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