
Internal Emotions In Soldier's Home By Ernest Hemingway

Decent Essays

Many authors often express internal emotions through their own writing. “Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway is a short story about a returning Soldier from war. The story takes place in the late 1910’s. Krebs, the main character returns from war, lost and unable to transition from Soldier to civilian. After returning home, Krebs misses the “greeting of heroes” from his home town in Oklahoma (Hemingway). Throughout the story Krebs mentions several situations of being uncomfortable around the people in the town. Krebs even hurts some family members by being emotionless and unconcerned. The story ends with Krebs attempting to adapt by going with his sister to her baseball game. Using the biological and psychological critical reading strategies to analyze "Soldier's Home" by Ernest Hemingway demonstrates that the author’s purpose in writing the text was so that civilians could understand the harsh reality war and the effects that war has on soldiers. Hemingway begins this short story breaking the stereotypes of being a Marine. The first stereotype that Hemingway breaks is the length of the total deployment time. Krebs enlisted into the Marine Corps in 1917 but he did not return home until the summer of 1919 (Hemingway 166). Another indication of a lengthy deployment is that in the story the Hemingway mentions that Krebs missed the home coming celebrations and that the other soldiers that had been drafted had returned much sooner (Hemingway 166). This issue is not uncommon,

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