
Interest Groups Research Paper

Decent Essays

Sujata Jargha Magar Assignment 2
Interest groups are associations of individuals or organizations regarding certain concerns in attempt to encourage changes in their favor. Those changes could be to benefit only certain group or a broad audience. They try to achieve their goals/changes by lobbying. Lobbying is the act of attempting to influence legislators or policy makers to make changes in their favor. They try to gain attention of law-makers through various ways such as food and entertainment and they form a good relationship those officials.
1 In my opinion, there should not be tougher restrictions and more strict observations on the activities on interest groups. I tend to believe that these activities discourage such groups to be motivated. Concerns of government on their activities makes them skeptical and they make start to think that their team members are corrupt. Such investigations of government agencies on interest groups makes their supporters doubtful if they are contributing to the right party. So, due to the lack of support and motivation, interest groups may scatter. …show more content…

For instance: they would not be able to hire expertise for reliable information, they will have limited resources to advocate their issues to the public and there will be limitations on advertising their campaigns. However, I think government should investigate more on those personnel who have access to greater funds to limit exploitation of funds and to make sure that funds are utilized solely for the campaign purposes. In order to execute the proper allocation of the funds, interest groups must be suggested to employ secure accounts for the funds, they must present the financial reports to the responsible authority to prevent illegal expenses and in my view, they need to provide the name of recipients on whom the money was spent by

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