
Interest Groups In Texas

Decent Essays

Interest groups in Texas continue to use their power toward persuading lawmakers, with the goal of resolving issues taking place within the state. Although these issues particularly pertain to the benefits of those groups, they speak for many different citizens who do not have a direct relationship with Texas lawmakers. Considering that Texas voter participation is low, these lobbyists are necessary in order to make change through a nonprofessional legislature that may not make such changes otherwise. Interest groups in Texas have a major impact on lawmaking, although some may argue that their ways of going about their lobbying are problematic. A way that lobbyists use their power is by taking legislators out for drinks or nice meals with …show more content…

As citizens, we truly do not have a major impact in decision­making; however, it is also important to consider what would happen if every citizen was eligible to influence lawmakers to the extent that interest groups can. If this were true, then there would be way too much room for opinion. There may already far too much room for opinion with interest groups in our state today. Nonetheless, it is important that interest groups use and maintain the power they have to sit face to face with lawmakers. This is something that most citizens simply cannot have because legislators are busy people with lives outside of legislation. Interest groups get this right to lobby through legislative sessions and access in the city of Austin. There will never be a time where all of our voices can count equally, period. There are simply way too many citizens with way too many different opinions within our state. This is why interest groups are so useful to “we the people” because they represent a body of people who share similar beliefs and desires. For example, the TSRA in terest group Stone 3 states that they strive to “educate elected representatives, the media, and the public …show more content…

The government could go about this by prohibiting interest groups from spending money on meals and entertainment; that way they would be under the same law we are under. It is evident that interest groups have more of an influence than a citizen’s ability to influence politics. They are not only more credible to the Texas legislature, but they have more access to sessions, being rooted near the capital. They have the ability to develop relationships with the lawmakers, which typical citizens do not have. (Ramsey 5). It is through these relationships that they are able to make a difference, not through the money they spend on the legislators. Interest groups are also obviously composed of more than one person which gives them an edge as well. They undoubtedly have more influence that an individual citizen. There are many 21st century interest groups that make a difference in our country. An example is the The House Energy & Commerce Committee; this interest group works to support biomedical research and “innovation t o turn discoveries in a lab into the treatments and cures that change patients' lives ” (E&C). They have succeeded in passing the

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