
Informative Speech : The Negative Effects Of Caffeine

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Many of us find ourselves drinking a freshly brewed cup of coffee, an ice cold soft drink, a hot cup of tea, or an energy drink whether it be in the morning, afternoon, or in the night but one thing is that they all share a common ingredient: Caffeine

IV. Preview Statement
Today I will discuss the effects of caffeine and making sure to
One on the beneficial effects on caffeine, two the negative effects, and finally on trends in caffeine consumption

(Transition: First I will talk to you on the beneficial effects on caffeine).

V. Main point 1: Beneficial Effects on Caffeine
A. Caffeine can increase mental alertness at work or while studying which can also enhance performance on certain mental tasks.
B. In addition to alertness and mental performance, caffeine may also improve memory and reasoning in sleep-deprived people.
C. Caffeine will not give you unusual or “superhuman” abilities, but instead may help you reach your peak mental alertness.
D. Research by Smith 2001, shows that he found that cognitive performance over the course of a working day was improved more in people who consumed above average amounts of caffeine than those who consumed less than average.
E. Caffeine consumption was associated with fewer cognitive failures. This effect was apparent when non-consumers were compared with consumers which suggest that caffeine withdrawal did not underlie these effects (Smith 2001).
F. According to Gilliam 2008, the effect of caffeine on mood depends on the amount consumed and the individual's dependence and tolerance. For those who have caffeine only occasionally, low doses of 20 to 200 mg usually produce a positive mood. For daily consumers, this positive mood is associated more with the relief from symptoms like fatigue and lethargy that are so often experienced when caffeine is withdrawn. Larger doses of caffeine (200 mg or greater) have been associated with increased anxiety and nervousness. (Transition: Furthermore, I will now discuss the negative effects in caffeine).
VI. Main point 2: Negative Effects
A. In larger amounts, caffeine can cause you to have headaches, feel restless, be unable to sleep, and even - in very large quantities - to have hallucinations.
B. According to

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