
Informative Speech On Pancreatic Cancer

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No one can catch cancer from another person. While it can seldom be explained why one person gets any type of cancer and another doesn't, it is very clear that the disease is not contagious.
Although research scientists do not know the exact causes of cancer of the pancreas, they are always learning some things that can increase a person's chance of getting this disease. Smoking of any kind is a major risk factor and research shows that cigarette smokers tend to develop cancer of the pancreas two to three times more often than nonsmokers. So by quitting smoking, you will reduce the risk of pancreatic cancer, lung cancer, as well as a number of other diseases.
What are the specific symptoms of pancreatic cancer?
Pancreatic cancer has been referred …show more content…

In the biopsy, the doctor will remove a piece of tissue from the pancreas. A pathologist then examines the tissue sample under a microscope to check for cancer cells.
Tissue samples that are obtained with one kind of biopsy may not give a clear diagnosis, and the biopsy may need to be repeated using a different method.
One of the ways to obtain tissue is by using a long needle that is passed through the skin and into the pancreas, hence the name needle biopsy. Doctors will use either x-rays or ultrasound to properly guide the placement of the needle to obtain the sample.
A brush biopsy is performed during the ERCP. The doctor will insert a very small brush through the endoscope into the bile duct and rub off cells to examine under a microscope. Sometimes, when a biopsy does not provide an accurate indication, a surgeon will perform an operation called a laparotomy. During this operation, the doctor will look at the organs in the abdomen and can remove tissue samples, if needed from any organ. This surgical procedure helps the doctor determine the stage or extent of the disease. This will help the doctor plan the best approach for

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