Title: “Introduce Dan Houser”
Specific Purpose Statement: To introduce Dan Houser. Dan will be giving his view on whether or not games can be art.
Central Idea Statement: Dan has made a significant impact through his story telling in the world of video games.
Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I’m Mark Norfolk, a freshman programming major here at GPC. I’m glad to be here at the 2016 Art History of games conference, and I’m honored to introduce, Dan Houser. When it comes to Dan little is known. He sparingly surfaces from his hidey-hole and into the public eye. However, while he may be a mystery, his works are not.
[Transition Statement: He and his brother, Sam, founded Rockstar games in 1998.]
Main Point I: As co-founder,
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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas. It is the most successful PlayStation 2 game, boasting almost 17.5 million copies sold for that console alone.
III. And most recently, Grand Theft Auto V. Two years after its release, the Grand Theft Auto series has sold 220 million units.
[Transition Statement: Above all, he has proven numerous times that his writing and characters are award worthy.]
Main Point II: At first his games were simple. However, as he progressed further into storytelling, the games became more complicated, often weaving tales around complex characters.
I. Carl “CJ” Walker is frequently called one of the best video game characters ever made. He is quick to mourn just as he is quick to kill. He shows compassion and regret; that’s why player praise him.
II. In fact, Dan’s main characters all manage to retain their humanity while doing inhumane things.
[Transition Statement: Because of this, these characters are, in part, relatable and invoke certain emotional reactions that resonate within players.]
Main Point III: For this reason, this has been the focal point of the “video games are art” debate. At the same time, the debate as a whole has had some opposition.
I. Roger Ebert was adamantly against calling games
Introduction: Good morning ladies and gentlemen. I’m Mark Norfolk, a freshman programming major at GPC. Today, in COMM 1201, I have the honor of introducing Dan Houser. Dan is a man who has influenced the lives of many through the questionable art form of video games.
This shows the wide verity of this game which adds more to the reason why this game is magnificent. You might ask how this information applies to his thesis: “Why video games matter?” All of this information provides logical facts that interest gamers around the world. The game provides a traditional narrative that allows for an experience framed in terms of wandering and lonesomeness, a purpose that is needed.
Introduction: I. Attention Statement – (Picture of the highway.) How many of you drive? Who took the highway today to get to school? II. Topic – Today I want to talk about Ralph Teetor and his invention of Cruise Control.
As an avid fan of video games for more than 20 years, Keighley has never been thrilled to witness a show like the Game Awards. Getting everyone involved in during the dawn of digital technology is the future for
considerable amounts, related to the theme and motif, that for the most part the main characters
Wright is not so much attempting to convince his audience by weighing the positive aspects of video games on society against the detriments, as he is presenting them a vision of the possibilities of video games. Wright presents an intriguing claim and an effective argument through his own credibility, friendly tone, choice of words, and use of analogies and emotionally potent imagery, causing readers to ponder the positive impact of video games on society. Summary
Tom Bissell presents an article in 2010, to college students of which is “Why Video Games Matter.” Bissell isn’t intending for the argument to be about video game criticism, the history of the gaming, or an assessment of anything. On the contrary, he wants to articulate his own opinions and thoughts on what playing games feels like, why he plays them, and the questions they make him think about. Being a gamer myself, I have also endured the struggles of what being obsessed with a video game feels like. It is understood that when first purchasing a video game, all one thinks about is getting home and popping it in the console, disregarding everything else that is happening in the vicinity.
Many video games use visuals to mentally immerse gamers into a virtual world filled with seemingly living, breathing people, animals, or cities. According to Michael Samyn and Auriea Harvey, game designers for Tale of Tales, video games increasingly develop into a true medium of artistic expression (Lamb). In just forty years, video games transformed from an abuse of the new computer for entertainment purposes into a sophisticated form of popular art. The development of video games recently produced results that arguably equal other similar, representational arts. Video games share many qualities with other forms of art, but they are also artistically significant in their own way. “This seems to be something
He is a self-described storyteller, who works across different mediums including film, TV, broadband, computers, mobile devices and the printed page. His goal is to engage audiences around the world in narrative and immersive story arcs.
The original “Grand Theft Auto: Vice City” game racked in only 0.04 million dollars which is a drastic difference from the franchise’s most recent, “Grand Theft Auto V” making sixty point eighty-one billion dollars. So, to say that
Video games are progressively becoming a crucial medium today, despite the light connotation of its initial categorization. Today they are a business that produces billions of dollars and employs engineers and artists alike in an art form connecting interactive games, to virtual societies where millions of people dwell. However, like all human products, our same emotion, flaws and injustice show in the games, with the impression of hatred, racism and stereotypes that are our everyday background. What are the creators of these video games real intentions in the desire they produce in the human?
disbelief about video games not being considered art. In the article by Nick Gillespie, Are Video
1. This informative speech on “The Cause of Homelessness “is very Inform able and worth listening to, because in today’s economy it could be you or me. Some seem to think homelessness is choice. I find this speech relevant to the world I live in today, due to the high unemployment rate, declining job market, and the economic hardships that families are enduring. This topic is not a broad one, but yet can be spoke of in depth due to the fact I see many homeless people but never thought it would be me until I seen a family friend who has lost everything, this is what made me more aware that it is not just a choice and any day it could be me. So when you see
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I played the game on my Xbox 360 console. To capture the experience of the Wild West, Rockstar consulted some historical experts in the field, along with channelling a lot of time and money into the graphics of the game. According to a New York Times online article, Rockstar spent between 80-100 million dollars on developing the game (Schiesel 2010). I mention this statistic because this comes to show the new era of devotion Rockstar brought to video game production.