
Informative Essay: Women Weightlifting

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Women Weightlifting Are there people that believe women do not belong in the gym, and if they do should they only be using cardio equipment? Many people believe women do not belong in the gym and they definitely do not belong in a weight room or under a weight bar. Although this is definitely not true, because it is just as important for women to go to the gym on a regular basis as it is for men. Many women go to the gym and spend much of their time on a cardio machine, rather than spending a fair amount of their gym time lifting weights. Women weightlifting is quite important and critical to the condition of a woman's future mental and physical health. Weight lifting improves overall muscles, that cardio does not, and improves a ladies consciousness. …show more content…

In an article written by Kellie Davis in Body Building makes the point of “Postmenopausal women are at a greater risk for osteoporosis because the body no longer secretes estrogen. Resistance training is an excellent way to combat loss of bone mass, and it decreases the risk of osteoporosis.” (Davis). With osteoporosis being a great worry for women of older age, preparing for it by lifting weights to build stronger bones is very smart. Having strong bones before women get to an age where osteoporosis is a risk is very important. It is easier to keep bone mass and strength up rather than trying to gain it or repair it once it has been lost or …show more content…

In a Beach Body article, Whitney Provost, stated “Many women find that regular strength training, in conjunction with psychological treatment, helps lessen their depression symptoms substantially” (Provost). Strength training being able to reduce symptoms of depression is helpful to those experiencing depression. With confidence boosted while having success in weight training, depression may also be reduced due to better confidence. In an article written by Jennifer Nicole Lee she stated “A Harvard study once found that ten weeks of strength training reduced clinical depression symptoms more successfully than counseling. This is particularly important for women since they are more than twice as likely to experience depression and only one out of three actually seek care”(Lee). This shows how important weight training can be to women, people who are mentally healthier tend to be happier and take better care of themselves. The fact that very few women seek help when they are experiencing depression, weight training can be a healthy alternative to get through

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