
Sexualization Of Women In Sports Essay

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Women participating in sports have become more and more popular thorough time. In 1990 there were only 2 sports for women in the Olympics, and in 2012 women have the opportunity to compete in every sport (Lal, 2015). They have become their own level of strong. Strong is the new beautiful. When discussing the topic of women in the media, it is known and understood that they are portrayed much differently than men. Women are meant to be sexy and approachable. Says the media. The cover of a magazine will show a woman with the majority of her body exposed and little to no clothing. In a sports magazine, there are articles of strong men, impressive athletes, and plenty of pictures. A man will commonly be shown in his uniform in an active pose; a …show more content…

Women should be shown in a manner that appreciates their accomplishments, rather than their bodies. Arjun Lal writes in his article “Women in Sports: Sexualisation of the female Athlete,” “[o]ver the 20th century women participation in athletic events may have increased because of the support of feminist movements demanding equality in sport; however despite claims of equal treatment of woman athletes are still evaluated on their body rather than specific skill.” He goes on to explain, “..for example 2009 Wimbledon grand slam all of Serena Williams pictures talked about how revealing her dress was compared to the set standard of the English game and how her dressing was a controversial statement, in all the talk about the dressing there was no mention of her prime game playing ability and the game” (Lal, 2015). As a woman, I want to feel strong and

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