What I want everyone to know about the agricultural industry are two things. I would like for society to know that agriculture is diverse, and to not believe everything they hear in the media. When most people hear agriculture, they think of the classic farmer in a field. The thing with agriculture is while sticking to the roots of generations past, we are able to develop new methods and technology. Agriculture is the most needed industry in the world. The reason, everyone has to eat.
The agriculture industry is one of the most diverse industries in the world. While farming is the main aspect, there is much more behind it. There are studies that take place across the world about crop yield and the influence of pests on crops. These investigations
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In 2015, agriculture was a $133.1 billion dollar industry nationally. With such a huge income you would think that everyone farmed. The truth is that only 2% of America’s population live on a farm. The number is drastic compared to the income received that year. People generally associate these statistics to “all farming must be factory farming then.” Actually, 99% of farms are family farms based. A lot of the so-called facts about the agriculture industry are not always the truth. There are multitudes of sources that are for the increase of the agriculture industry then there are some that are just watching for the downfall of the industry. If I had the opportunity to speak with someone who was opposed to agriculture, I would ask them a few simple questions. I would ask “where they thought we would be without agriculture?” I would then proceed to ask “If they had ever faced starvation or having no clothing?” These are simple questions that when people slander agriculture they don’t really think about, but they …show more content…
I recently got into writing when I noticed the lack of journalism that supported the agriculture industry. With the collaboration of fellow agriculturalist, we were able to start a website and blog that advocated for agriculture. I would use my resources and connections through this to help educate people about the agriculture industry. Other then on the internet I would like to travel to elementary schools in my area and educate on agriculture. Many students that have not been exposed to the industry, don’t know anything about it. This way if I was able to educate the next generation of society, then we would have a better chance of having educated agriculturalist in the growing
Arguing that the majority of farmers during the Great Depression benefitted from the government policies produced through President Roosevelt’s New Deal is an inaccurate claim. While history textbooks highlight the improvement of finances for people in rural areas in the United States of America, the personal experiences of family farmers contradict those textbooks. Writers of textbooks about American history should consider looking further into the delicate topic of how the Great Depression effected common farm families. In the West, farmers endured the Dust Bowl. In the North, people in rural areas competed to make a profit. Although statistics show the most economic damage of the Great Depression beginning at the end of 1929, small farm families refer to the effects of the Depression dating back as early as 1925 since government policies mostly benefitted large farm industries as small farms were forced to foreclose.
Growing up on a small family wheat farm in southwestern Oklahoma, I have experienced the harsh conditions of farming firsthand. The job that used to employ the largest amount of people in the United States has lost the support and the respect of the American people. The Jeffersonian Ideal of a nation of farmers has been tossed aside to be replaced by a nation of white-collar workers. The family farm is under attack and it is not being protected. The family farm can help the United States economically by creating jobs in a time when many cannot afford the food in the stores. The family farm can help prevent the degradation of the environment by creating a mutually beneficial relationship between the people producing the food and nature. The family farm is the answer to many of the tough questions facing the United States today, but these small farms are going bankrupt all too often. The government’s policy on farming is the largest factor in what farms succeed, but simple economics, large corporations, and society as a whole influence the decline in family farms; small changes in these areas will help break up the huge corporate farms, keeping the small family farm afloat.
As the population of the young United States increased more and more people hungry mouths were asking for food. Farmers had to keep up with new technology but there were also many setbacks in government policy and economic conditions. In the period of 1865-1900, there were many ways in which technology, government policy, and economic conditions changed early American agriculture.
1. UGC estimated that it would need C$150 million to carry out its strategic plans over the coming two years. Will its internal resources provide reliable funding for this program? How much external funding might it need? The company needs to spend C$150 million, which covers the installation of high-throughput elevators (7 or 8 more at $9 million each) and the upgrades of 15 elevators at $3 million each. The rest of the money is needed for the funding of the expansion of Crop Protection Services and Livestock services division.
Alabama Agriculture: Sustaining Future Generations, is the theme of this essay. A few way to sustain future generations of Alabama agriculture is, like farmers they pass there farm and knowledge down there family. Another example is when you go get a job that is related to agriculture like going to work at a cattle farm they teach you what you need to know to do this job. Those are two examples of ways that we can sustain agriculture for future generations.
"I believe in the future of agriculture, with a faith born not of words, but of deeds." These famous words from "The FFA Creed" by E.M. Tiffany outline the basic beliefs of FFA members and agriculturists around the world. But these values, although crucial to the sustaining of our world's ever-increasing population, are growing more and more detached from the people not involved in agriculture. Although food and fiber production has increased in recent years, providing more bushels per acre and more meat per head of cattle, the agriculture industry has come under fire due to an overwhelming majority of people being totally disconnected from the agriculture industry. Today, we'll examine the primary causes of this disconnect, the negative effects on agriculture and our society as a whole that results from it, and how you can help solve this ever-growing problem.
There are many types of agriculture around me. I live in Arkansas where agriculture is the largest industry, adding around $ 16 billion to the stateś economy annually. Some of the largest agricultural products I see around me are soybeans, cotton, timber, and grain.
The more technology there is on a farm then the less workers you are going to need. Farming isn’t a growing industry by any means. The employment of farmers will drop 8 percent from 2010 to 2020, according to the BLS. That’s because of new ways being developed to produce more food with fewer workers. Larger farms will survive because they can afford to invest into the new technology. States with the highest concentrations of farm employment have the best prospects. The top five states for this in 2011 were, Idaho, Iowa, Nebraska, Kentucky and California. Farming as a whole will continue to be less- hands on and done by machine with a single person driving it. Today’s farmers produce 262 percent more food with 2 percent fewer inputs (labor, seeds, feed, fertilizer, etc.), compared with 1950. The American Farm Bureau Federation surveyed about 1000 young farmers and ranchers from across the country. The survey showed that 91 percent of them were more optimistic about farming that they were 5 years ago, about 88 percent said that they wanted to see their children follow in there
Former president George Washington once said, “Agriculture is the most healthful, most useful, and most noble employment of man,” (George Washington Quote). Since Washington’s presidency, countless advancements and developments within the agricultural industry have allowed the United States to grow, develop, and become one of the most prosperous countries in the entire world. Nevertheless, this prosperity is also marked by several key historical events, such as the Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions, which have caused the core values and traditions that this great nation was built on to slowly disappear. Today, the majority of Americans have no knowledge, understanding, or appreciation for the agricultural industry, causing them to take for granted the basic necessities they rely on each day. This disconnection has created a gap between producers and consumers, which is known as
thought about going to the meat department of your local grocery store and there is no meat, but
The Agricultural Act of 2014 or the farm bill is the public face of agriculture policy today. The farm bill authorizes that a portion of taxpayers’ money be spent on different agriculture and nutrition programs in the United States. On February 7, 2014, the latest farm bill was enacted and will remain active until the year 2018. The current farm bill includes twelve sections or titles. These titles include Commodities; Conservation; Trade; Nutrition; Credit; Rural Development; Research, Extension, and Related Matters; Forestry; Energy; Specialty Crops and Horticulture; Crop Insurance; and Miscellaneous (Agricultural Act of 2014: Highlights and Implications).
The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) administers food assistance programs that help provide food for low to no income families. It is their goal to increase food security and reduce hunger by increasing access to food, a healthful diet, and nutrition education for low-income Americans (Caswell, 2013, para. 1). Some of the current nutrition assistance programs include “the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and the Special Supplemental Nutrition Program for Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)”(Caswell, 2013, para. 1). SNAP will be the primary nutrition assistance program of the paper at hand. No matter how morally good it is to try to help reduce hunger and increase food security within the United States, there are still many questions regarding issues with SNAP. This paper will be discussing why there is such a strong support for the program, how it helps the United States as a whole, problems with the program, and why some people are against SNAP.
The agriculture industry is not only the largest industry within our state, but also within our nation. However, in recent years it has also been one of the most heavily criticized. This has led to a ‘brain drain’ in rural America as more people decide to leave our industry and their family farms.
America — a land known for its ideals of freedom and new opportunities, a nation built under the idea that every man and women is created equal. However, the definition of what makes a person an American is entirely different from what it is that makes up America, itself. J.Hector St. John Crevecoeur, author of Letters from an American Farmer (1782), exposes what he believes makes an American. However, when compared to the standards of what makes an American in today’s world, it seems that becoming an American then was much simpler then, than it is today. The definition of an American is always evolving due to the influences of our changing nation. During a simpler time, Crevecoeur defined an American as someone of European
The agriculture field is one of the biggest employers, employing over 155 million people in the United States. What do you think about when you hear the word “agriculture?” Many people would say farming, but this is not the most common occupation in this field. Farmers make up a fraction of the agricultural jobs at 900,000, but over 2.1 million people own, rent, and claim farming as a primary source of income. The average farm size has dropped from 460 acres in 1990 to 418 acres in 2007, while the average age of this occupation rose to 57, making this one of the older workforces in the United States.