
Informative Essay On Twin Babies

Satisfactory Essays

Twins are defined as two children produced by the same pregnancy. They can be dizygotic, meaning that they can develop from two separate eggs, each are fertilized by different sperm cells, or monozygotic, meaning that they can develop from one zygote that will then divide and form two embryos. Twins are a double bundle of joy for any parent. Many people dream to have twin babies because of the intriguing and amazing things they are known for. Here are some mind-blowing facts about twins you never knew. List Item In 2009, a Texas woman named Mia Washington gave birth to twin babies with two different dads, a one-in-a-million occurrence. One month, Washington released a pair of eggs. The woman's two sex partners each fertilized one of the …show more content…

It was later found that their lives shared some amazing similarities. Both married twice, first to ladies named Linda and second to ladies named Betty. Both drank Miller Lite, smoked Salem cigarettes and drove Chevys. List Item According to the Long Island Jewish Medical Center, taller ladies have more insulin-like growth factor (IGF) - a protein that raises a female's chance of ovulating. The more IGF a female has, the higher the chance that she will have twins. List Item Tatiana and Krista Hogan are joined at the head and share a part of the brain (thalamus) that controls motor functions and physical sensations. As a result, the young girls can hear each other's thoughts and see through each other's eyes. Also, they can see and feel what the other one does. List Item The belly button is one of the easiest ways to tell twins apart. Belly buttons, or navels, are scars from the detachment of the umbilical cord, therefore, they are not caused by genetics and each belly button is unique. List Item The State with the highest rate of twin births is Massachusetts. List Item Mothers who are expecting two babies tend to have increased levels of morning sickness, likely because of higher levels of the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (HCG). List

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