
Informative Essay About Dogs

Decent Essays

Did you know dogs have many personality traits? Dogs can be kind, sweet, loyal, energetic, lazy, fun, mean, playful, happy, hyper, friendly, obedient, disobedient, respectful, loving, sad, brave, stubborn, jumpy, clingy, babyish, dependent, independent, and/or annoying. Surprisingly, dogs can have many jobs. They can have jobs like being a companion, a protector, a hunter, a seeing eye dog (guide dog), a police dog (sniffing for bombs, drugs, etc), and/or a rescue dog (for hurricanes, snowstorms, earthquakes, etc). Lastly, some physical traits dogs have are cuteness, floppy ears, slobbery-ness, different teeth sizes, different foot sizes, different eyes (color/size), claw/nail length and size, fur length, and/or soft fur.

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