While mounting of inflammatory response is critical in eradicating bacterial infection, systemic bacterial infection can lead to an acute pro-inflammatory response, which may result in sepsis. Currently, no effective therapy is available to inhibit the activation phase of the acute inflammatory response to infection. A new group of host-protective lipids termed 13-series resolvins were demonstrated to promote bacterial phagocytosis, reduce recruitment of neutrophils to the site of inflammation, reduce inflammasome activation and augment host recovery from systemic infection by accelerating the resolution of the acute inflammatory response (48). I.p. injection of resolvins into mice infected with E. coli showed 40% increase in survival …show more content…
MULTI-OMIC APPROACHES TO IDENTIFY HOST TARGETS THAT MEDIATE BACTERIAL INFECTION Advanced high-throughput technological developments in the fields of transcriptomics, proteomics, metabolomics and imageomics (high throughput, high-content imaging (HCI)) provide an unsurpassed opportunity for identifying host-pathogen interactors and characterizing gene functions in the context of bacterial infection. Transcriptomics studies enable quantitative measurements of the dynamic expression of the mRNA molecules and their variation in different states at the genome scale (49, 90). Proteomics studies [e.g. mass-spectrometry (MS) and Reverse-phase protein microarray (RPMA)] facilitate the characterization and quantitation of proteome changes from complex samples (17, 38). Metabolomics studies reveal metabolites (including lipids, small molecules) that are generated in response to infection (29). Importantly, technological advances related to assay miniaturization, high-throughput and automated image acquisition and quantitative analysis have made it possible to extract hundreds of functional and morphological features that are associated with bacterial infections (9) (Figure 3). Specific HCI imaging parameters has been applied in host-directed therapeutic discovery to study effects of perturbations in bacterial infection cycle (13, 16, 41, 60, 79). Analysis of the data derived from the omic studies will require
This paper focuses on the Response to Intervention. As educators we are hearing RTI more frequently in the school districts than ever before. Many educators and state officials agree that all teachers should know and get to know the benefits and importance of RTI. The most crucial aspect to know is the RTI takes place into the regular childhood classroom; this is not something that just special education teachers need to know. This paper explains the purpose and a brief history of RTI. The paper offers ways that it is beneficial for school districts to implement this research based program. However, as in many systems there are always challenges, the paper briefly discusses some of the challenges that educators
In this case study, Miguel clearly shows difficulties in reading. The difficulties stated include: recognizing alphabet letters (alphabetic awareness), matching sounds to letters (letter-sound correspondence), telling sounds apart (sounding out), starting/ending sounds (sounding out), and remembering words quickly (sight word reading) (Meet Miguel, n.d.). In order to address these difficulties, the authors would approach this problem in a two pronged manner: 1) immediate bridge methods for learning, and 2) RTI approach.
Level 2 Award in Employment Responsibilities and Rights in Health, Social Care, Children and Young People's Settings (QCF)
The assigned video is explaining Response to Instruction and Intervention (RTI) . This is a plan to make decisions of the educational path of a student. It enhances education for all students and assesses whether they will need additional support with growth or more independence in reading. All of the students in the building have the opportunity to be assessed through RTI not just students with an IEP.
Harm reductions recognizes an individual’s willingness to make a change in their life, there is a wide range that these individuals may be along, from not thinking about change, to contemplating change, to taking action, to maintaining change and the other way around. The method of harm reduction first begins with focusing on what stage the individual is on with their drug use. As earlier stated the active participation of individuals who use drugs is at the heart of harm reduction. These individuals are the best source of information in terms of their own drug use and are determined with the help of other service agencies to determine the best form of intervention. There have been many success stories from having injection sites as a form
Response to Intervention (RtI) is a framework based off the problem solving method that integrates assessment, and targeted instruction, within a multi-tiered intervention system. Implementation of RtI in schools is crucial to identify which students need additional intervention that will help increase their literacy skills, and prevent them from falling behind. RtI is based off multi-leveled tiers that are each categorized by the intensity of the intervention that is being used. The RtI framework is also used as a valued tool in monitoring and improving student behavior in the classroom through a model known as Positive Behavioral Intervention Support (PBIS).
According to the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCDC, 2013), harm reduction aims to keep people safe and minimize death, disease, and injury from high risk behaviour. Harm reduction involves a variety of support services and strategies to improve the knowledge, skills and resources for individuals and their families to create a healthier and safer community (BCDC, 2013). This paper will discuss the applicability of community health standards to harm reduction practice, as well as the determinants of health which increase the incidence of harm to the targeted audience. COUNTERfit, a women’s harm reduction program will be discussed in terms of significance to the aggregate population and evaluated through an examination of epidemiological data, prevalence data, and best practice.
“Of all forms of mental activity, the most difficult to induce even in the minds of the young, who may be presumed not to have lost their flexibility, is the art of handling the same bundle of data as before, but placing them in a new system of relations with one another by giving them a different framework, all of which virtually means putting on a different kind of thinking-cap for the moment. It is easy to teach anybody a new fact…but it needs light from heaven above to enable a teacher to break the old framework in which the student is accustomed to seeing.”
Discuss the cascade of host inflammatory responses that produce the major detrimental effects seen in sepsis due to gram-negative bacteria.
What is pain? If you ask someone to tell you the definition of pain they will typically state something that hurts. Registered nurses should know the definition of pain and how it can be identified on their patients. However, Abdalrahim, Majali, Stomberg, and Bergbom (2010) propose that nurses did not receive adequate education in pain management and suggest the lack of knowledge hinders their ability to adequate control their patients’ pain. Therefore, the unethical treatment of pain can be traced back nurses.
The Effectiveness of Response to Intervention on Student Achievement in Mathematics and English in a Rural Kentucky High School
Public health is a dynamic field of medicine that is concerned primarily with improving the health of populations rather than just the health of individuals. Winslow (1920) defined public health as;
Hospital acquired infections are one of the most common complications of care in the hospital setting. Hospital acquired infections are infections that patients acquired during the stay in the hospital. These infections can cause an increase number of days the patients stay in the hospital. Hospital acquired infections makes the patients worse or even causes death. “In the USA alone, hospital acquired infections cause about 1.7 million infections and 99,000 deaths per year”(secondary).
Hypochondriasis is a mental illness wherein an individual is preoccupied with the fear of having or the idea of having a serious disease. It involves the misunderstanding of bodily symptoms. The sensations of most hypochondriacs are intense and disturbing, leading to incorrectly connecting the symptoms to a serious disease. It said that hypochondria is caused by a patients excessive worrying with having or developing a disease. Often these patients seek medical attention, but a doctor's reassurance does not help the situation. Hypochondriacs will still think they are sick no matter what the do. Generally, patients who suffer from hypochondriasis also suffer from anxiety. There are many effective treatments for hypochondriacs such as
Stress And The Immune System The immune system is a very important part of our bodily functions as its main function is to protect the body against millions of antigens, which attack our cells and try to reproduce viruses and diseases. The immune system can protect the body in three different ways, in which are: 1. It creates a barrier that prevents the antigens from initially entering the body. 2.