
Harm Reduction Essay

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According to the British Columbia Centre for Disease Control (BCDC, 2013), harm reduction aims to keep people safe and minimize death, disease, and injury from high risk behaviour. Harm reduction involves a variety of support services and strategies to improve the knowledge, skills and resources for individuals and their families to create a healthier and safer community (BCDC, 2013). This paper will discuss the applicability of community health standards to harm reduction practice, as well as the determinants of health which increase the incidence of harm to the targeted audience. COUNTERfit, a women’s harm reduction program will be discussed in terms of significance to the aggregate population and evaluated through an examination of epidemiological data, prevalence data, and best practice. According to the Canadian Nurses Association (CNA, 2015), harm reduction is a public response, in which nurses have a vital role in by highlighting safety promotion to prevent death, injury and disability, as well as treating clients respectfully and in a non-judgmental manner, despite drug use or engagement in other high-risk practices. Nurses who are involved in a harm reduction strategy provide essential health services to a highly demoted population, using a comprehensive nursing framework that focuses on client-centered relationship building and primary nursing care activities that are facilitated by a harm reduction theory with the core principles of health promotion (Lightfoot,

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