
Inequalities In Home And Home Research Paper

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Inequalities has a wide range of meanings and it is unique to each person, based on age, gender and socialisation. Regarding the home and housing, inequalities focus on social disparity of distribution or opportunity that one has. This essay will focus on comparisons and differences on inequalities in the home and housing. How and why there are these differences on those who can buy a home, why many have no choice but to rent and why there are homeless people and those who must squat. Inequalities are also based at home, as gender differences in roles such as women doing laundry instead of men can be classed as an inequality.

There are several inequalities within the home, one of which is gender. Gender is significant to the variations of time due to the subordinate economy and social positions resulted from persistent social divisions. …show more content…

Women still do twice as much housework than their partners. Technology has developed, this allows women to have a dual role in the home by working and the unpaid work in the home. However, there is the underlying question is how does this produce inequality?

Is it that women do the housework because it’s what they are supposed to do or is it their nature. This view is universal across most cultures and some may argue that genetics is the main factor of why there is inequalities within the home. However, ideology is a focal point behind all explanations of gender inequality. People's understanding of gender inequalities comes from an innate perception of what men and women are supposed to do within the home. Feminist sociologist argue that housework remains invisible and unpaid (Silvia 2010; treas and Drobnic

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