
Individual Report Application Project

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Evaluation Report Introduction In this report I will concentrate on the team project we had to complete in the second term. I will mostly talk about my part in the team, the things that I found most challenging, what I have learned from this experience and the things that I would do differently in future projects. My Role My role in the team Buttercup was the role of a reporter. I have to make sure the process is following the right path, I need to ensure every member of the team knows what they are supposed to be doing, I’m the person that keeps everyone updated about the meeting times and the goals we have to achieve on each meeting. In a way, I feel as if I am the one responsible for our group’s congruity and efficiency. I do …show more content…

Win in a Diagonal was a bit more challenging. The idea for the right diagonal was to decrement the row and increment the column, and for the left diagonal was to decrement the row and also decrement the column. At this very time, our project is doing well for time, but the challenging part is yet to come. The code we wrote so far works well. At the moment we only have the Player versus Player version of the game, and we are yet to program the Computer versus Player version. I managed to get the computer to randomly draw a circle after the click is made, but in that way it was too easy for the player to win the game. We were in the reading week, time in which we didn’t meet up as a team. I kept in contact with the others and out of all of us, Jay managed to implement some functions that would go in the computerTurn’s function. Those functions will make the computer check if the player is going to win, and if that is the case, the computer will try and stop the player. Also, if the computer has a chance to win, to actually try and win. After the reading week we had a meeting and we all agreed that the game was a bit boring and not very challenging for the user. We decided to implement more functions so the computer will play a more clever strategy instead of only trying to stop the player from winning. Project Report The deadline for the project report is getting closer, most of the report is already done but there are a

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