
Increasing Student Success And Retention

Better Essays

General topic: Increasing Student Success and Retention

Title of article: Increasing Student Success and Retention: A Multidimensional Approach
Fowler, P. R. & Boylan H. R. (2010). Increasing Student Success and Retention: A Multidimensional Approach. Journal of Developmental Education, 34 (2), 2-10. Guiding questions and concepts Note your responses in this column
Summary What was the article about in your words (evaluate abstract when initially reading for this information)?
• Nature of paper: Research? If yes, qualitative? Quantitative? Specific method? Meta-analysis? If no, position? Survey of literature? Critical analysis of the literature (topic research)? Position paper? Case study? Description paper? White paper?

• Information: Background? Problem? Purpose (or thesis)? Methods (if research paper)? Findings (if literature review, then the findings will present as major themes, which can be noted in the key concepts section of this worksheet)? Stated limitations? Conclusions? Recommendations? Notes (summarize the article in your words; this part is not a review or evaluation- simply descriptive and informative ): Background: It is known that students can sometimes face challenges as they begin a journey in higher education, but students can also encounter nonacademic and personal issues that can cause additional obstacles to success.

Topic/Issue: What are the nonacadmical and personal issues that can hinder a student from being as successful? Nonacademic

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