
In How To Kill A Burris Ewell

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Education intertwined with the outsiders Some people might like education, others might dread it and really don’t see a reason to continue learning about it. Today, for teachers and professors it’s easy to them to tell how the education they teach is effective for an individual student. As we know, education is being taught at school, home, and a little of both. For America today, most children attend preschool, kindergarten, elementary, middle school, high school, and college. Depending on the pupil's career choice, it can take up to 20 or more years completing their schooling system, Usually, during the middle and or high school years in America, professors teach you valid things pupils will be using in life.
In the book How to Kill a …show more content…

He has no future career and is very un-hygienic. Burris’s family is also very poor, and see no reason to even bother with education. The state laws seem to say nothing about him being illegal to not attend school, so he doesn’t ‘have’ to go. As long going with education, Burris certainly isn’t a gentleman at all. He has not been taught the proper manners that normal being should be taught at some point. At one section in this story, Burris is at his only school day a year. From his lack of hygiene, Mrs. Caroline advises him to go home and take a bath. Burris shrugs this off and refuses to him. Right after, she tells him that she will have to report this, and to her surprise Burris shouts out at her “Report and be damned to ye! Ain't no snot-nosed slut of a schoolteacher ever born c'n make me do nothin'! You ain't makin' me go nowhere, missus. You just remember that, you ain't makin' me go nowhere!” From this quote, he has a lack of education in his speech, not using proper English, and as well as the lack of compassion and proper courtesy. Today in America, there would be no surprise is some children acted this way. Sometimes not because they’re a bad kid, but because they don’t know any better and haven't been taught any other way. Burris is still young, and might not be too far gone yet; but as the rest of his family, there seems to be no hope in gaining the proper life

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