
In-Class Storytelling

Decent Essays

Reflect on your four in-class storytelling performances. Storytelling is fun and exciting. Sharing stories makes you vulnerable, since you give away part of you, for any story you tell, the way you talk, the way you move, your personality, but also, it makes you strong, because you are in control of your story and choose which one to tell. From telling stories, I learned that the more and varied the audience the harder is to please it, I realized that, during the individual storytelling. I believe the storytelling that went best of the four, was the first, I was super excited and I got, almost, all the audience participation in the story, so I felt more confident. Everyone liked the prop. However, the last one, the personal story performance went well as the first one. I had no prop for the audience, but they were interested as well or more than the other stories, since it was part of myself, and that’s what makes personal stories interesting, for they are true and part of who we are. Although, the first and the last one were good performances the second one, I had fun telling, since it was a Sicilian legend story, new to me, and I had audience participation with prop. I was proud I could share part of my origin. Instead, the Fact-Based story was low key, there was no pressure of time, and it had only one audience. …show more content…

For the legend story she wrote that loved the story and the morale of it, and for the personal story, he wrote that I made him cry. I believe, we tell stories to give a message, if the story is not accepted or understood, the message is not received, and there is no point to tell the story. I really loved my stories, I searched carefully and when I felt right I made the decision. I wanted to send a message with them, each time, and I said to myself if only one person gets it, is fine for me. That’s why I was happy when I received the

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