
Importance Of Writing My Book

Decent Essays

Growing up you could not find a bigger bookworm then myself. I read small books to big books, books on the study of animals, plants, or just plain old novels. I have always had a passion for learning new things from educational books or just reading a new exciting story in every novel I picked up. I have a multitude of fond memories of books I read and lessons I learned, but one instance I consider more impactful than the others. This moment came when my 6th grade English teacher helped me write my own book. It may sound crazy that a mere 6th grader is attempting to write a book, but at the time it was a huge deal to me. I have had many hobbies throughout my life and find myself consistently picking up new hobbies. In 6th grade however my biggest hobby was writing and storytelling. As a 6th grader I was young and had a strong love for superheroes. This often prompted me to make my own comic books and create my own unique superheroes. Throughout class many students would watch me not only write these comic books but draw them and put them together. Many were fascinated but many were also degrading towards it. Despite some hostile feelings I continued to make them and continued to sell them around the school to those who wanted my comic books. One day while I was drawing the cover for the superhero I created known as “Super Smith”, and yes, the superhero was created to be a representation of myself, my English Mrs. Payne walked over and asked to see what I was doing. I was

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