
Importance Of The Pillars Of Public Administration

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Pillars of Public Administration and Application to PA Leadership
Understanding the pillars of public administration is a vital way for leaders to gain perspective when leading successfully. Among these six pillars of public administration, the leadership style addresses a connection with any civic organization.
Politics/administration dichotomy- when viewing this opposition, it should be seen as politicians writing and making rules while bureaucrats implement and put in place the policies and programs for the public to utilize. Administration and politics are seen as two separate components where they should not interface with one another. Even with them being a separate field of study, they have no choice but to integrate. As Woodrow Wilson looked at how politics and administration were forming, he felt the importance of government employees conduct themselves in a professional business manner while ensuring their accountability of providing proper services to the people and not partake in political philosophies. Politics are aligned with elected officials who write and pass the policies to be implemented by government agencies which are then applied by civil servants. By achieving this responsibility, public sector employees are required to embrace the values and principles to ensure efficiency, legitimacy, and fairness within any level of government. Therefore, public administrators are seen to uphold integrity within government, be liable to the public and

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