
Recent Ethical Obligations Confronting Public Administrators Essay

Decent Essays

The purpose of this essay is to discuss the public interest and the administrative responsibility. Discuss some of the recent ethical obligations confronting public administrators in their day to day decision making. Also we will examine the recent trend in privatizing government functions. Finally, we will discuss if privatizing posses any type of dilemma’s for the attainment of public interest. Former Senator from Illinois, Paul Douglas said that” Instead, most men want a life of integrity and goodwill in which public officials are stewards rather than masters and treat their jobs as a means of helping people rather than dominating them.” Furthermore, he states the fact that our lives are directly affected, and that our government …show more content…

The finances aspect is that public officials may have their own personnel issues when it comes to dealing with financial matters, even though they are handle the public funds. One disadvantage of this aspect is that if a politician becomes involved in a situation, they may prefer not to name names. But, on the plus side an advantage to this aspect is that the public can decide if the official has the ability to overcome said pressures of any form of charge finances. Hence then the public is able to determine if the public official is capable to handle finances properly. Next, is administrative responsibility? Simply put this is a shared responsibility between public officials. Our officials need to determine a way in order lead without division of said responsibilities. This should be performed collectively and not just individually. Furthermore, recent ethical obligations as expressed by Aristotle, “ to do this to the right person, to the right extent, at the right time, with the right motive, and the right way, that is not for everyone nor is it easy; wherefore goodness is both rare and laudable and noble.” In today’s society this statement can still be true, as much it was in Aristotle time. America’s leaders are always into the semi-governance of other countries such as Libya, Africa, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Even though our leader’s sole responsibility is not to govern other countries, but America.

Issues and Dilemmas of Contemporary Public

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