
Importance Of Self Reflection

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Research has been increasingly done on learning and self-reflect and its effectiveness, one of the first researchers' john Dewey stated, 'we do not learn from experience... We learn from reflecting on experience.' John believed that deep learning comes from array of experience, reflection, abstraction, and active testing. James Zull's (2002) fascinating book on the biology of learning, points out evidence that the learning cycles arises naturally from the structure of the brain. Donald Schon also amongst the first to write about reflective practice with his exploration of experience, interaction and reflection with his book 'the reflective practitioner' in 1983, Donald defines reflective practice as the practice by which professionals become receptive of the implicit knowledge base and learn from their experience. 'The practitioners allowed Donald to experience puzzlement, surprise or confusion in a situation which is found uncertain or unique. Self-reflection is like considering a mirror and describing what you see. The term refers to an activity or process in which an experience is recalled, considered and evaluated to gain insight on oneself, ones valued or knowledge gained. The ability to reflect on experience encourages insight and complex learning. In contrast, self-reflection is a process used to study one's own performance in order to improve it. In order for one to succeed, it is vital to have knowledge of what each strengths and weaknesses are for self-development

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