
Importance Of Human Interaction In The Novel 'The Fault In Our Stars'

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In today’s society, human interaction is a must. People crave relationships to fill a void in life, feeding off of others in order to succeed as well as develop the social skills needed to persevere in the world. Human interaction (such as building relationships with loved ones) is a very critical and crucial part in life. In 1932, an experiment by Harry Frederick Harlow- a well known psychologist- involving rhesus monkeys was conducted. In this experiment, Harlow and his colleagues separated newborn rhesus monkeys from their mothers, holding each one in isolation chambers. The study showed that when placed in total isolation for the first eights months of life, denying all contact with other infants or with either type of surrogate mother, they were permanently damaged. The need to be accepted and cared for by another person (or in this case primate) is inevitable. In the novel, “The Fault In Our Stars”, a theme surrounding relationships is present and plays a major role in developing the story. John Green not only shows the effects of cancer and its side effects, he also shows how those detriments on the one fighting the battle can affect friends and family around them, as well as the importance of building relationships while you still can. The protagonist, Hazel Grace Lancaster, closes out the world and everyone in it, in hopes of minimizing her path of destruction that will be made after she dies. On the other hand, Augustus Waters is the light at the end of her

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