
Importance Of Heroes In Today's Society

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According to Gerard Way ¨ Heroes are ordinary people who make themselves extraordinary¨. There can be many people who are considered heroes in today's time. Such as people who rescue people from life threatening situations. There are true heroes today because need help from others so that is when heroes show what they are made of. Role models could also be considered a hero to some people but not to everyone. Heroes are definitely needed in today's society because not everyone has what it takes to defend themselves or get themselves out of life threatening situations.
What would you do if you were in a situation where your life is in danger and there is no one there to help you? Say you were in a burning house or had a severe injury, That's when heroes come in , Heroes come in many different shapes and sizes such as a doctor or a firefighter. It is who you consider a hero is because a hero is a different to everyone. Some people might consider your hero to be a normal person because they don't look at them the same as you do. Most people would consider a hero as a person who is willing to risk there life for a other persons. If someone is willing to risk their life for yours, you should consider them a hero because a lot of people wouldn't
Do you need a hero? Most people if not everyone needs a hero. People might think that heroes don't exist in today's society but a hero doesn't just have to people who is willing to risk their life for you. A hero to someone could be a

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