
Importance Of Education And Advancement In Nursing

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Education and Advancement in Nursing This course has expanded my thinking on the role of the registered nurse and the distinction of obtaining a bachelor of science in nursing (BSN) degree. The greater level of academic preparation enhances professionalism, stimulates critical thinking, and encourages a holistic approach to healing patients. Also, the capacity of the nurse extends beyond providing direct patient care to include “advocacy at the individual, local, and global levels” (Roush, 2011, p. 11) and a responsibility to elevate the profession of nursing Nurses can enhance their level of practice by staying knowledgeable of medical advances and emerging ethical, legal, and social issues in healthcare. Additionally, nurses can expand their learning by reflecting on interactions with their patients, sharing experiences with members of the profession, and engaging in mentoring relationships. Learning that the educational level achieved and not one’s experience level dictates patient outcomes (Aiken, Clarke, Cheung, Sloane, & Silber, 2003), drastically altered my perception of professionalism in nursing. This evidence heightened my understanding of the importance of obtaining a BSN in nursing for the improved well-being of patients in the direct care setting. The preparation that nurses obtain from a baccalaureate program of study enhances critical thinking and reasoning skills and also fosters personal and professional growth (Delaney & Piscopo, 2007). This information

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