
Importance Of Data Mining On Internet Security

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Importance of Data Mining in Internet Security

This research paper highlight the importance and need of data mining in the age of electronic media where large amount of information and consolidated database is readily available. This seemingly useless information can unearth some mind-blowing statistics and predict the future trends with relative ease through use of data mining techniques which can benefit the businesses, start-ups, country and individual alike. However, since data mining is effective in bringing out patterns, correlation and association through complex algorithms and analysis, it has, over the past few decades proved to be a useful tool in cyber or internet security. …show more content…

Earlier this year, Million of Ebay user’s confidentially was compromised when hackers stole over 233 million user’s Name, Postal Address, DOB, Emails and phone number which put them at the risk of identity threat. While these attacks are serious, the Ebay one is just the beginning, with every milestone the IT is achievable, the cyber terrorists are one step ahead. Companies like Google China, Sony, Heart Bleed, Epsilon and even South Korean Banks and broadcasters are a victim of cyber crimes and hacking. This makes us imperative to install a robust firewall system which can withstand the attacks and protect the business, Economy and people. It can be done through Data mining.
Data mining (sometimes called data or knowledge discovery) is the process of analyzing data from different perspectives and summarizing it into useful information - information that can be used to gain competitive advantage, improve processes, gain efficiency, save costs, utilizing and allocating resources optimally. Data mining tools not only analyze data from all perspectives, but also form relationships between seemingly random data into meaningful and actual information by finding correlations or patterns among dozens of fields in large relational databases which can be used to improve business and also gain intelligence which safeguard against

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