Good Governance in Pakistan
‘Governance’ is the exercise of power or authority – political, economic, administrative or otherwise –to manage a country 's resources and affairs. It comprises the mechanisms, processes and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations and mediate their differences. ‘Good governance’ means competent management of a country’s resources and affairs in a manner that is open, transparent, accountable, equitable and responsive to people’s needs.
Characteristics of Good Governance
1. Participation
2. Rule of law
3. Transparency
4. Responsiveness
5. Consensus orientation
6. Equity
7. Effectiveness and efficiency
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3. Non serious behaviour of law makers: The root cause of increasing corruption is that our leader don 't take it serious, they just give visionary statements. Interior Minister, Mr Rehman Malik gave a statement that we will eradicate corruption within a week. Secondly he said that we will give pride of performance to the department which will report us that there is a corruption in our department. These statements show the behaviour of our leadership toward the eradication of corruption. It is just impossible to eradicate corruption within a week and secondly pride of performance is being given to corruptors.
4. Inconsiderable salaries: It is one of the major causes of corruption. Suppose when a clerk not earning enough to live on or not being sure that he will have a job tomorrow so that he supplements his income with bribes.
5. Lack of accountability: when public officials are not supposed to inform about or explain what they are doing, they mostly indulge in corruption.
6. Weak enforcement: when law agencies do not impose sanctions on power holders who have violated their public duties.
7. The abuse of public office for private gains has emerged as a fashion
8. unavailability of principles of good governance
9. Unawareness about rights:
10. To get unfair advantage over other:
i. To get Promotion ii. To get new job iii. To threat others(through police) iv. To get rid of from charge etc.
11. Increased rate of
In the case of money, it is corruption. Some would argue that money is the root of all problems, and that there is no instance where money doesn’t cause corruption. This threat is constant in the media today: the election, the celebrities, the news. These and many more are considered corrupted by a source of great wealth, being that the cantaditas pay for votes, the celebrities are paid for their acting in the media, and the news stations are paid by different political parties to represent them in broadcasts. Sadly, as this does occur, many people are represented for their money and not for their talent due to the overvaluing of money in America. It is most definitely true that corruption does occur as a result of money, but not to a complete extent. While these instances do occur in today’s world, there is reform in action as well as the fact that not all Americans are led towards this path of deception. It is true that many people are drawn towards money when it comes to picking a leader or immersing oneself in the media, there are many cases of Americans going towards those who exemplify ideals similar to their own over those who have larger supplies of wealth. This paves the way to the realization that not all Americans overvalue
Corruption is the dishonest or fraudulent conduct by those in power. Those in power become corrupt for personal gain. They want to gain money, influences and more power. Corrupt individuals or businesses want to stay in power. In order to stay in power, there must be a group of individuals that are dominated or oppressed.
The conditions I think must exist and factors that allow corruption to seep into public organizations is organizations conditions must exist are policies and procedures and they need to be acknowledged and discussed. When thinking about factors that allow corruption to seep into public organizations would be low salaries that would force a person that is struggling financially to take bribes to make financial ends meet. Many public organizations have a large employment size making it easier to hide bribes and inflated claims in large business deals other than a small business, a lot of organizations need to have a Confidentiality of information having numerous ideas for public organizations holding or knowing confidential information to misuse their position. When corruption seep in to the public organizations many policies and procedures are absent and not enforced to all employees
There is always a conductor of corruption, an authority figure who knowingly exploits the mind of others. They look at what they perceive is right versus what is actually right. In the case
First, it is important to define what corruption is. The term, “corruption” covers a broad range of human actions,
The Oxford English Dictionary defines ‘governance’ as ‘the act, manner, fact or function of governing, sway, control’. ‘To govern’ is ‘to rule with authority’, ’to exercise the function of government’, ‘to sway, rule, influence, regulate, determine’, ‘to conduct oneself in some way; curb, bridle (one’s passions, oneself)’, or ‘to constitute a law for’.
Our class has been focused since day one about “good governance”. There are many definitions as to what good governance could look like. It could change from country to country, all the way down to person to person. Someone in Iran is more likely to say the way the Iranians govern is better than the United States than someone anywhere else. There are some generally accepted guidelines, but some other institutions have a different focus. In class, we have read from multiple sources, such as “The Good Society” by Alan Draper and Ansil Ramsay and “Introduction to Comparative Politics” by Stephen Orvis and Carol Ann Drogus, in order to come up with a definition so we could clearly define for ourselves what good governance is. To many of us, a
During the early 1900s, America’s reputation as a world power prospered by possessing the third largest navy in the world and a significant domain over smaller countries. It was able to acquire superiority internationally due to its intervention in the intense colonialism of the time, including fast extension, colonization, and rivalry. However, America’s colonial power did not suddenly develop. Though the United States expansionism of the late nineteenth century and early twentieth century was an explicit continuation of cultural and social factors that had powered the country’s past expansionism, it was more of a departure from the strategies for the past in which financial and political motives were sought.
Police corruption has been around for a long time. It started around the 1900s. I feel it still exists today in some of the big cities and in other countries. I have noticed in the news, that a lot of police brutality and taking bribes from businesses is given for looking the other way. Racial profiling is a longstanding and deeply troubling national problem despite claims that the United States has entered a “post-racial era.” I think money and racism are the big motivations that cause corruption, as well as some police feel they are above the law.
Police corruption has been something which has been going on in the U.S for quite a long time. It’s been something we hear or see on the news since we were children and we are continuing to see it even our modern daily lives today. The most Common forms of police corruption we hear every day are theft of money and stolen drugs.
Political corruption is a major problem in the US today. It involves almost all levels of government and affects people from all walks of life. Public office is a noble post and citizens put their trust in government officials to carry out their constitutional duties for the benefit of the citizenry. The problem comes in where both elected and unelected officials perform their duties with the goal of personal gain in full view of the law. The ethical and moral wrongs of corruption are unjustifiable in any context.
The topic of public safety that I chose to research is corruption. Police corruption is a form of police misconduct in which law enforcement officers break their social contract and abuse their power for personal or department gain. Most common form of police corruption is accepting bribes for not interfering with drug or prostitution rings or common illegal activities. An example, of this is placing or the taking of evidence. Another example is police officers breaking the police code of conduct in order to help the paying party.
If a police officer misuses his/her authority while acting officially to fulfill his/her personal needs or wants, that is corruption in policing. These two elements make up the crux of the corruption that
Specifically police corruption is "Unprofessional on- and off-duty misconduct, isolated instances of misuse of position, improper relationships with informants or criminals, sexual harassment, disparaging racial or sexual comments, embellished/falsified reporting, time and attendance abuse, insubordination, nepotism, cronyism, and noncriminal unauthorized disclosure of information all represent precursory signs of police deviance that inspection and internal affairs components must monitor." (An Examination of Police Corruption)
Corruption. What is corruption? Corruption is dishonest or illegal behavior by powerful people, such as government officials