
Implementation of Good Governance in Pakistan

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Good Governance in Pakistan
‘Governance’ is the exercise of power or authority – political, economic, administrative or otherwise –to manage a country 's resources and affairs. It comprises the mechanisms, processes and institutions through which citizens and groups articulate their interests, exercise their legal rights, meet their obligations and mediate their differences. ‘Good governance’ means competent management of a country’s resources and affairs in a manner that is open, transparent, accountable, equitable and responsive to people’s needs.

Characteristics of Good Governance
1. Participation
2. Rule of law
3. Transparency
4. Responsiveness
5. Consensus orientation
6. Equity
7. Effectiveness and efficiency
8. …show more content…

3. Non serious behaviour of law makers: The root cause of increasing corruption is that our leader don 't take it serious, they just give visionary statements. Interior Minister, Mr Rehman Malik gave a statement that we will eradicate corruption within a week. Secondly he said that we will give pride of performance to the department which will report us that there is a corruption in our department. These statements show the behaviour of our leadership toward the eradication of corruption. It is just impossible to eradicate corruption within a week and secondly pride of performance is being given to corruptors.
4. Inconsiderable salaries: It is one of the major causes of corruption. Suppose when a clerk not earning enough to live on or not being sure that he will have a job tomorrow so that he supplements his income with bribes.
5. Lack of accountability: when public officials are not supposed to inform about or explain what they are doing, they mostly indulge in corruption.
6. Weak enforcement: when law agencies do not impose sanctions on power holders who have violated their public duties.
7. The abuse of public office for private gains has emerged as a fashion
8. unavailability of principles of good governance
9. Unawareness about rights:
10. To get unfair advantage over other:
i. To get Promotion ii. To get new job iii. To threat others(through police) iv. To get rid of from charge etc.

11. Increased rate of

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