
Imperialism In Things Fall Apart Essay

Decent Essays

Okonkwo’s Challenge Colonization has been a big part of our world. All over the world, colonization has abducted million of everyday lives and have forced people to convert religions, and upgrade ceremonial practices. How can an author use a fictional character to make a statement about culture? Chinua Achebe in his novel Things Fall Apart answers this question by telling a story of British colonization through an African point of view. In his work of historical fiction, Okonkwo wants his rightful power back, but has been overthrown by the british and there new ideas then the british overtook most of the villages’ everyday norms and converted people to their religion so finally after Okonkwo decides to give up he kills himself. Okonkwo illustrates that encountering a new culture can be challenging even though …show more content…

As the story proceeds towards the ending, Okonkwo kills one of the messengers from the British and realizes that it is too late to change things. “Okonkwo’s machete descended twice and the man’s head lay beside his uniformed body. The waiting backcloth jumped into tumultuous life and the meeting was stopped. Okonkwo stood looking at the dead man. He knew that Umuofia would not go to war.” (Achebe, 205) After Okonkwo decides to kill the man, he realizes that Umuofia would not go to war over what happen, since they had let other messengers escape. He knew that it was too late, he could not convince his people of what was right, of what had to be done. After the killing of the British messenger, the Commissioner requested to see Okonkwo, but it was too late because he had already committed suicide. “Then they came to the tree from which Okonkwo’s body was dangling, and they stopped dead.” (Achebe, 207) After the founding of the body, Okonkwo was buried by the British, since it was against the Igbo beliefs to bury him themselves, thus ending the story of Okonkwo and the village’s view of

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