
Impact Of Ancient China

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History ISU: Ancient China Ancient China brought forth a myriad of advancements and contributions to society, the impact of which can still be felt to this day. The inventions of paper and gunpowder, two widely used pieces of ancient technology, have been adapted in the modern day to better suit the needs of the contemporary man. On top of this, the aptly named Great Wall of China has helped to advance the fields of architecture and engineering, while also providing for China’s economy through tourism. The wall serves as an active tourist attraction that boasts seventy-thousand visitors per day and around sixty-million per year. Despite the rigourous evolution of technology and …show more content…

A written record of one of the first methods used in the creation of gunpowder is found in the the Wujing Zongyao, a compilation of military techniques that was written during the Song Dynasty from 1040 to 1044 CE. Some of gunpowders civilian uses were the creation of fireworks and the mining of coal and iron. Gunpowder was also used in ancient military weaponry such as early flamethrowers, archaic hand grenades, landmines, flaming arrows, and cannons. The usage of gunpowder was imperative to the success of the Song Dynasty and to the future of China. Gunpowder gave the Chinese a tremendous advantage in battle because the advanced military technology that utilized it destroyed an enemy's defences with ease while also striking fear into the hearts of China’s enemies. The great military advantage brought by the creation and proper utilization of gunpowder made it easier for the Chinese military to conquer more land for the purpose of irrigation, urbanization (to expand their cities and empire), and any other ideas the emperors of the time had. Additionally, the conquering of more territory brought with it an influx of POWs who were left to the disposal of the emperors of China. In essence, gunpowders importance boils down to the idea of conquest. Without gunpowder, it would have been much harder for China to conquer land for the purpose of its own

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