
Hum 111

Decent Essays

Hum 111

Ancient Chinese Contributions.
(1) Identify eight to ten of these useful inventions or contributions.
(2) Nominate four that you believe are the most ingenious or innovative.
(3) Explain why you believe these four inventions or contributions are the most useful inventions or contributions from the ancient Chinese.
(4) Identify one invention or contribution that you cannot live without and explain why.

The Ancient Chinese Contributions (1) Gunpowder

One of the inventions created by Ancient China gunpowder as early first century and was used at that time to make medicine for perpetual rejuvenation. Black gunpowder was not invented till the end of the ninth century and was first used to make fireworks, and …show more content…

(LAN, 2008)

(5) Printing The earliest printing in China was the block printing method in the first Century B.C., where the individual sheets of paper were pressed against wooden blocks that had text and illustrations carved into them. This process could print hundreds and even thousands of copies, this technology played a significant role in promoting the spread of culture. A block carver named Bi Sheng made movable types with clay during the period from1004 to 1048. This method each type was carved with one character and the types could be set independently according to contents of different articles. After printing, the movable types could be reused and this improved technology is called movable-type printing. (LAN, 2008) (6) Row Planting

The Chinese also invented the way to grow crops by placing them in rows sometime in the 6th century BC. This allowed the crops to grow faster and stronger. This was not instituted in the western world for another 2200 years. Master Lu wrote in the “Spring and Autumn Annals”: ‘If the crops are grown in rows they will mature rapidly because they will not interfere with each other’s growth. The horizontal rows must be well drawn, the vertical rows made with skill, for if the lines are straight the wind will pass gently through.’ This text was compiled around 240 BC. (Stevenh, 2009)

(7) The

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