
Illegal Immigration Research Paper

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Research There are many different ideas on how best to confront the immigration problem in the United States, and all of them claim to have the best possible outcome for American citizens as the goal. The solutions range the gamut from placing the United States Army on the border with Mexico in order to prevent illegal entry, to having no border with Mexico. Of course, not all illegal immigrants are from Latin America. Many are people that have entered the country legally, yet have overstayed their visa. Regardless of method of entry, at the present time, the United States government seems to have no policy at all in regard to the estimated 12 million people in the country illegally, which encourages government at the state and local …show more content…

San Francisco is one of the largest and most prominent “sanctuary cities” in the United States, its city code reads, in part, ” No department, agency, commission, officer or employee of the City and County of San Francisco shall use any City funds or resources to assist in the enforcement of federal immigration law or to gather or disseminate information regarding the immigration status of individuals in the City and County of San Francisco unless such assistance is required by federal or State statute.” (San Francisco Administrative Code 1989) Of course, there is now some movement to restrict or amend this stance in the more than 200 sanctuary cities in the United States following the murder of Kathryn Steinle by Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez, a Mexican national, in the United States illegally and previously deported five times. Immigrations and Customs Enforcement officials had asked San Francisco authorities to hold Lopez-Sanchez for deportation proceedings following his arrest on unrelated charges, but San Francisco authorities decline, saying ICE had nothing more than an immigration law violation against him. (CBS …show more content…

This proposal theorizes that states that allow all immigrants to stay, regardless of legal status, will benefit economically from the participation of newly-legalized immigrants in the state economy and that those states with less lenient immigration policies will suffer. These results will cause businesses and citizens in states that have harsher immigration policies to petition for changes to state policy so that they, too, can benefit from cheaper labor. (Bhagwati and Rivera-Batiz 2013) This solution ignores credible studies that find that illegal immigrants take more from the government in benefits than they contribute in tax revenue, but it is an interesting proposal none the

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