
Illegal Immigrant Research Paper

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A True Citizen
America, the land of the free, is a place many people look to in times of great despair, grief, and tragedy. The United States is a country built upon refuges and outcasts seeking a life many call the “American Dream”. The Founding Fathers established a country for people of all types of races, ethnicities, cultures and religions. This unique quality is what draws in immigrants and makes our nation powerful. Unfortunately, due to recent tourist attacks, the United States has become even stricter on their immigration policies and countless people are now having to flee to the United States illegally. Many undocumented immigrants including Jose Vargas, escape to America in attempt for a more prosperous and healthy life such …show more content…

Policies in the United States deemed this dream almost impossible. Americans today, may see the policies set fourth for immigrants to be reasonable because they believe immigrants take job opportunities away from American citizens, but in reality, many illegal immigrants actually struggle to find stable jobs. To gain employment and a respectable job status, Vargas had to illegally generate a fraudulent Social Security card and gain a driver’s license (Vargas 760). Due to many undocumented immigrant’s absence of insurance, many states prohibit them from receiving a driver’s license and research shows that the amount of points issued on an undocumented immigrant’s license is over one point more than the average legal citizen (Query, Kunazawa 284). This causes my illegal immigrants to miss the opportunity of find stable paying jobs. Fortunately for Vargas, he got lucky and was able to defeat the system and obtain a driver’s license. This provided eight years of opportunity and hope for a successful career, and he was able to acquire positions with the San Francisco Chronicle, Washington Post and Huffington Post (Vargas 761). Vargas’s job status and career then allowed him to fulfill another requirement Americans believe is necessary to become a proper citizen. Being a citizen of America requires people to contribute …show more content…

Although he did have to take part in unlawful acts to build a life, career and thrive in America, he still was able to contribute to the economy. Jose Vargas states, “I was paying state and federal taxes, but I was using an invalid Social Security card and writing false information on my employment forms. I convinced myself all would be O.K. if I lived up to the qualities of a “citizen”: hard work, self-reliance, love of country” (Vargas 760). According to Robert Rector and Jason Richwine, the government spends nine-hundred billion dollars a year on welfare benefits for over one-hundred million low income Americans (Rector, Richwine). Of this amount, many believe undocumented immigrants are the majority of people abusing the system. Typically, their reasoning for believing undocumented immigrants misuse the system is because of America’s current economic status. The last decade has not been exceptionally prosperous for the United States and many need someone to blame. The blame, in this situation, is government, not the illegal immigrants because the government has created policies to keep illegal immigrants at low waged jobs and do not allow them ample opportunity to move up in social status. This creates a challenge for many families and in some cases, they have no other option but welfare. Many people also do not realize

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