
Illegal Immigrants

Decent Essays

There are 7.5 billion people in this world. Among those 7.5 billion, 232 million are "illegal immigrants". Most immigrants in the United States and Greece make dangerous trips to cross the border. Those dangerous trips could include getting beaten, rape, and starvation. Immigrants go through things they shouldn't have to even after crossing the border like getting deported to a poor or war-zone country, being treated inhuman, and separation between loving families.
Who is one to tell another they are an immigrant and if they are one to judge what if they aren't fair? “Numerous international human rights documents firmly establish the principle that no human being can be ‘illegal’ or outside the protection of the law.” Nobody should be illegal because this is no one's world. Everybody was born on earth therefore, no one declares another person “illegal” because they were born on a different piece of land. “He warned that many immigrants fleeing war zones and potential persecution from dictatorial regimes were being denied a fair asylum assessment.” Some immigrants aren't migrating illegally for just any reason. Anyone would risk being in a safe environment to get out of harm's way. Kids are taught early on not to make fun of others just because they are different. These immigrants may be vulnerable but that does not mean to attack them. “Despite years of advocacy and some additional oversight, U.S. immigration detention facilities continue to be plagued by inhumane

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