
Immigration Reform: The Case Of Mr. Jose Vargas

Decent Essays

A spiral of events lead Mr. Jose Vargas to unrightfully apologize to former bosses and employers regarding his immigration status. Many undocumented citizens, Vargas states approximately, “11 million undocumented immigrants” have endured a battle to gain their citizenship. Obtaining proper documents, Green Cards, social security numbers and drivers licenses is undesirably long and difficult. Mr. Vargas, a college graduate and acclaimed author for major newspapers was denied of jobs, opportunities and scholarships despite the numerous accomplishments he gained. The immigration laws have deprived human beings equal opportunities to live, work, attend school and travel. Immigration reform is a highly debated topic and furthermore erupts into discussions about change without repeals of immigration laws. Vargas mentioned the Dream Act put into place was supported by President Obama however it is not supported by the Trump administration. Undocumented immigrants remain in constant fear of deportation, losing the opportunities placed in the United States and leaving a country that some called home for years. …show more content…

Vargas explains, “It’s been almost 18 years since I’ve seen my mother. Early on, I was mad at her for putting me in this position, and then mad at myself for being angry and ungrateful.” Realizing Mr. Vargas was apart from his mother and sister without having the chance to meet his brother is heartbreaking. Most natural-born citizens fail to appreciate the economic and educational opportunities that are provided in the United States. Citizens of the United States are not threatened by the fear of moving to another (potentially foreign company) and ones who are living with both parents potential fail to realize the fortunate situation they are

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