
Ignorance Of A Good Life

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Life does not only depend in any success and failure that we are about and is going to face all through our lives. As I go watch the Fifteen minutes commencement speech that Steve Jobs, the once-and-again CEO of Apple who has spearheaded a few of the most iconic products in technology, entertainment and design,told in the commencement exercise held in Stanford University, I realized that everything happens because there is a purpose.

During his speech on the said commencement exercise, he told three different stories about his life. The first story was entitled, “Connecting the Dots”. He talks about how he patterned his life into the dots that represents each important event that happened in his life. He tackled his journey on what he did …show more content…

Maybe up to now they are still seeking for the right time that will really suit their interests and will match their outlooks in life. Assurance of a good life and better future does not only depend on good grades. Experience, proper training, and an excellent application of skills acquired and knowledge learned all through an individual’s life constitutes it all.

“I had been rejected but I was still in love… and so I decided to start over”

Every rejection does not mean that you need to stop and admit defeat. Sometimes it is a signal that you need to exert more effort and improve what you are doing to receive a better outcome.

I maybe rejected a lot of times but I don’t see and accept it as rejection itself. Rather, I received it as a guide on how I will make improvement in driving my motivation towards my studies and as well as my goals in life. It strikes my attention when the speaker told those words because I started to realized that I could choose whether I will just improve what I’m doing whenever I failed and got rejected or I could start all over again and make a new beginning. The heaviness of being successful was placed by the lightness of being a beginner

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