
Identifying With Avatars : Can You Live Off The Grid?

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Identifying with Avatars
Could you live off the grid? To actively remove all tech from your life? There is no doubt that our digital society is expanding at a rapid rate, sometimes finding it difficult to keep up with the latest and greatest. That is why many Americans are choosing to abandon all modern technology for a simpler way of living. In a two-part series from Seeker Stories called Could You Handle Living Off the Grid? (2015), currently on YouTube, explores one family’s journey to actively remove themselves from the grid. Nick Fouch and Esther Emery, who along with their three children, move into the backwoods of eastern Idaho; no electricity; no running water; no means of communication. Obviously, some sacrifices had to be made in order to accomplish what they set out to do, that is, to be connected to each again on an interpersonal level. The series poses interesting questions about the loss of family togetherness at the expense of digital connectivity and observes a sort of digital withdraw when that connectivity is stripped away. Revealing about how society has become highly dependent to our tech, identifying more with a smartphone then our own family and friends. Tech, while useful to a large degree, establishes our online presence based on a system of curated profiles that are essentially digital façades of true identity, this is significant because perhaps our personal identity, while at one point was only influenced by unique characteristics, is slowly being

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