
Summary Of Turn Off The Phone And The Tension By Jenna Wortham

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Summary “Turn off the phone(and the Tension)” is an article written in 2012 by Jenna Wortham. On a summer day, Wortham and a friend decided to take a trip to their local pool. Upon their arrival, they noticed a sign stating that all electronics were to be kept in lockers. Flabbergasted, Wortham did as instructed and put her phone away. She spent a while lingering by her locker, desperate for social media and for the feeling of typing underneath her fingers. However, she soon got over her need for electronics. Wortham realized how technology impacts one’s life, she could barely go a day without her phone. As the author said, our phones have become our lifelines. When the majority of society has a smartphone and can’t take their hands off it, we know that our lives are run by our phones. We, as a society, suffer from the Fear of Missing Out, FOMO, we are afraid that we might miss a tweet from our favorite singer, actor, or role model and that will drive many insane. The day at the pool relaxed Wortham and she realized that not everything needs to be recorded, photographed, or snapchatted. Wortham’s article proves that we as a society cannot properly function without access to social media, technology, messages, emails, and phone calls. Essay …show more content…

The article focuses on the importance of going “screenless” for a day and taking a break from technological impacts. In my opinion, it is important to take a break from social media and technology for a bit. My generation focuses our entire lives on social media. Ask any teen in modern-day society if they have Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, or Tumblr and I guarantee they will have at least one of these social medias. Going screenless for at least two hours of one’s day would leave them at peace and give them time to read, take a nap, or just

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