
Identify Sources of Current Guidance for Planning Healthy and Safe Environments

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Identify sources of current guidance for planning healthy and safe environments

All settings should have copies of the latest legislation and guidance as well as their own policies and procedures.
Health & safety executive:
HSE is the national independent watchdog for work-related health, safety and illness.
They are an independent regulator and act in the public interest to reduce work-related death and serious injury across Great Britain’s workplaces
Health and Safety at Work Act 1974
This legislation places a duty on employers for the health and safety of their employees and anyone else on the premises. This includes responsibility for the teachers, non-teaching staff, children, visitors and contractors. In my …show more content…

The booklets must be kept on the school premises. Risks should be assessed periodically, following an accident, on the introduction of any new process/equipment and also any change in circumstances. Educational visits also require a written risk assessment. There is a folder of the most frequently used venues in the staff room, containing risk assessments. There is also a folder containing risk assessments for each group in the same place. All staff and group leaders must ensure that they have read these documents before embarking on a trip and must sign to acknowledge this each time they take children on a trip as part of the signing out procedure.
The Education Regulations 1999
For all settings, the condition of the premises should provide sufficient assurance as to the health, safety and welfare of all of the people who use the building. Good standards of hygiene should be always be maintained and there should be sufficient space so over-crowding is avoided. The Education Regulations stipulate:
- that there should be a certain amount of toilets for children, depending on age and needs.
- staff toilets must be separate from those for pupils.
- every setting must have a staff room, separate from teaching accommodation for teachers and staff to use for work and social purposes.
- each room in a school building

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