
Identify And Explain The Role Of Gaseous Exchange In Mammals

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In mammals, oxygen is bound to a protein called haemoglobin where most of the oxygen (97%) is carried in the red blood cells, and transported by the circulatory system. Mammals extract oxygen from the air using lungs, which are enclosed inside the body due risk of desiccation therefore their gas exchange system (the lungs) is inside their bodies to reduce water loss and are also kept moist by being deep inside the body making it harder for moisture to evaporate. Lungs are internal sac-like organs connected to the outside air by a system of airways. Mammals extract oxygen from the air using lungs, ventilate the lungs by breathing where air is pushed in and out of the lungs along a pressure gradient across the chest cavity. Air enters the lungs through the trachea, which splits into two bronchi’s which are also supported by cartilage bands and then smaller …show more content…

These are tubes are held open by rings of cartilage. These flexible, cartilage reinforced tubes in the trachea and bronchioles and non- cartilaginous bronchioles allow for a wide range of movement and structural differences amongst mammals which is a physiological adaption for mammals as it inside their body and helps links back to gas exchange as this process helps them to carry-out gas exchange. Oxygen diffuses in and out of the lungs and into the blood across a small thinned walled structures inside the lungs called Alveoli, which are on the bronchioles and also where gas exchange takes place, there is mucus in the trachea and bronchioles to keep them ventilated to be clean and

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