
Ideas And Reforms For An Improved Access For High Quality Primary Health Care

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Ideas and reforms for an improved access to high quality primary health care in Ontario: AOHC’s perspective


The purpose of this briefing note is to provide top three recommendations for the policy actions that AOHC should advocate in order to improve timely access to primary health care in Ontario.
Primary care is considered to be the first point of contact with the health system for the people of Ontario and is recognized, as the building block of the entire health system. Every individual in the province needs a timely access to this service in order to maintain a healthy living. Ontario’s medical system focuses on delivering high quality primary care, but certain gaps within the system have resulted in an inequitable access to healthcare services.
Are Ontario’s primary care reforms meeting the needs of its’ residents?
Despite large investments in primary care reforms (PCR) over the years, there still hasn’t been a significant impact in certain areas of the health system, particularly those related to the ‘access to care’. The Health Quality Ontario (HQO) data from 2014 shows that almost 94% of the adults have a primary care provider, which has risen from 92% in 2006 1, 2. While the percentage of Ontarians who have a primary care provider has grown, most Ontarians are unable to get an appointment to see their doctor the same day or the next day when they become sick 2. Less than half of the population (44.3%) of the Ontarians are able to see their

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