
Is System Wide Incentives Encourage Delivery Of High Quality, Prevention Orientated Programs?

Decent Essays

Discussion Question #1
What are alternative ways to use system wide incentives to encourage delivery of high-quality, prevention-orientated programs?
The primary care practice is essential to improve the care of our population, our current system is fragmented, but it does show potential for improvement. The Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality has listed some areas that will help improve our system. One is “the need for external infrastructure to help primary care practices develop quality improvement” this is done with support to the quality capacity (Agency For Healthcare Research and Quality, 2015). Quality care will include the coordination of care within the system, as well as understanding what needs the patient will have …show more content…

How does the design of the payment system affect individual’s choice of provider? How might Americans be reoriented to using primary care, rather than costlier services?
The payment system in the healthcare industry has appealed to specialty care providers, they make a higher income than the primary care physician. The physicians are attracted to specialty care, and the individual feels that specialty care is better. If physicians were all paid well, in order to pay for their education and then continued quality training, we would not be confronting the lack of primary care doctors who are available to treat the general needs of the population (Fisher, 2013). Just as the physicians seem to be treated differently in our health system so are the patients. Using a multi-tiered system of health care where some insurance gives out a higher payment to physicians, some patients seem to be wanted while others are less well received, this leads to an “everyone for himself or herself ethic” within our medical system (JAMA, September).” The design of the system is flawed in reference to the primary care physician and with the patient who has insurance which pays less, the way to reorient both is to make the pay scale more competitive for both. The primary care physician should be able to make money and cover this educational expenses and the patient should have insurance that will equate to

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