
Iago In Othello's Jealousy

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Iago, in Shakespeare's “Othello”, is a deceiving character since he advises lies keeping in mind the end goal to get what he needs. He collaborates with individuals just to control them, yet above all he never uncovers his actual emotions or intentions. Iago may state things that propose what his thought process is, however he soon contradicts himself with another recommendation making it to a great degree hard to understand him. Even though Iago’s actual motives aren’t revealed, some can say the motives could be jealousy, seeing people suffer, or power. Iago's jealousy towards Othello quickly transforms into a jealousy toward Cassio too because Othello selected Cassio as lieutenant rather than Iago. Iago trusts that he ought to be lieutenant since he has battled close by in fights and because he has genuine war involvement, while Cassio took in the majority of his strategies from books. Thus, he is spiteful because he didn't land the position, however he is annoyed on the grounds that he believes that Othello made Cassio his …show more content…

Iago is extremely scheming and sharp and he can utilize this to control anyone. It is unmistakably seen that Iago flourishes for control, since he cherishes controlling people, so they do precisely what he says. He does this to Roderigo daily, like when Iago advises Roderigo to give him the majority of his cash and when he persuades Roderigo to murder Cassio. He even controls Othello to the point that Othello suspects of Desdemona and chooses to murder her. Iago's hunger for control is observed when Cassio is designated to be Othello's lieutenant since this was, as far as anyone knows, the reason for his retaliation. He truly needed to be lieutenant since it is a high position and with it comes a considerable measure of power and Iago demonstrates that he would effectively get that kind of power. In this manner, one of Iago's thought processes could be that he has an enormous hunger for

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