
Hurricane Harvey Research Paper

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In researching for major property losses, the southern states just recovered from one of the costliest hurricane seasons recorded this year Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria, and Nate took a toll on many properties costing the U.S billions of dollars. Out of all the hurricanes that touched down Hurricane Harvey that hit in Texas was one of the most damaging storms we have seen since hurricane Katrina. As of September 5, 2017, Hurricane Harvey damaged 203,000 homes, of which 12,700 were destroyed. As we discussed in class the national Flood Insurance Program provides insurance to property owners and encourages communities to adopt and enforce floodplain management regulations especially ay property that is in an SFHA which are special flood hazard areas. …show more content…

Harvey flooded 800 wastewater treatment facilities and 13 Superfund sites. That spread sewage and toxic chemicals into the flooded areas. At least $30 billion worth of property has been affected by flooding from Hurricane Harvey just in parts of Texas’ Harris and Galveston counties, a Reuters analysis of satellite imagery and property data shows. According to many articles on the insurance coverage of all the property damaged only 40% of that total may be covered by insurance and of that the federal government will bear the biggest liability. That means families with flooded basements, soaked furniture and water-damaged walls will have to dig deep into their pockets or take on more debt to fix up their homes unless they have some form of flood insurance. In my opinion just few hundred dollars paid on a policy every moth can save thousands lost to a flood. Here are some advantages: NFIP policy holders can choose their amount of coverage. The maximum for residential units is $250,000 in building coverage and $100,000 in contents coverage. For the NFIP maximum is $500,000 actual cash value coverage with no

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