
Hunting Changed My Life

Decent Essays

Dakota Shelton
NarrWr 10.4
1 Oct.2015
The Moment that Changed My Life My first time ever going elk hunting was with my dad and my uncle Glen. It was very thrilling. Hunting has been a big part of my life since the age of three. My family has been hunting for a long time. Hunting is a favorite pastime of ours. I remember five main things from this trip. First, my dad and I arrived at my grandma’s house at ten in the morning, before elk season started. We left the house and started to go to my grandma’s house. The two of us stopped for breakfast with a family friend. Then we left and got on the road again. It was about nine in the morning when we made it to Walmart to get our hunting licenses. We arrived at my grandma’s house right at

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