
Do I Shoot The Coyote?

Decent Essays

The deer stand was nice and cozy because I had my Mr. Heater Hunting Buddy engulfing me in its warmth. I was chewing on Butterfingers, in between bites I glanced up and seen a 6 point buck walk out of the woods. The buck came into the hay field and started eating. As I took another bite of my Butterfinger, a coyote trotted out of the swamp. The coyote spotted the buck and began chasing it around. I had a decision to make. Do I shoot the deer or do I shoot the coyote?

I went deer hunting for the first time when I was 2 years old. My dad took me hunting. As I got older I started to bring my own guns along. Even though they were only toy guns. I would shoot the deer but they would never die.

When I got older, I started hunting myself.

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